Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the pupil.
The average marks of the examination are taken into consideration and the child who secures an average of 40% per subject will only be promoted.
Result declared at the end of the year is final in all the cases and will not be reconsidered, nor will the anser papers be shown.
No examinatoin will be taken either before or ofter the scheduled time.
A student who fails to obtain promotion for two consecutive years should make their seats vaailable for hard working students by leaving the school.
Pupils are expected to put in 90% of attendance required by the code.
To broaden the outlook of evaluation process and to avoid unhealthy competition among the student to secure a particular rank, it has been decided that the students will be awarded grades in various examinations by the school.
For promotion, a student must obtain pass percentage in atleast five major subjects which must include the subject English and Enviornmental Education.
A student who does not appear for half yearly as annual examinations, will not be promoted.