All Student must regularly attent the school in full school ubiform.
Pupil should be docile, punctual, clean,neat and hard-working. every student shall maintain a high standard of discipline inside as well as out side the school.
Refinement of manners habits of obedience and order neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required at all times.
During working hours order and silence are to be kept while around the premises. Running playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed.
Books newspaper and other periodicals may not be brought to the school without the previous sanction of the Principal/Class Teacher. This applies to radio transistor Walkman and other electronic entertainment device. Mobile phones pagers are strictly banned in the school any student found using it is liable for dismissal on the spot.
Gathering of signatures to bring pressure on the authorities is strictly prohibited previous sanction of the Manager/Principal is needed for any organizedschool activity.
SGathering of signatures to bring pressure on the authorities is strictly prohibited previous sanction of the Manager/Principal is needed for any organizedschool activity.
The School will not be responsible for children who are coming by their own transport no sooner the school is over.
Parents should see that their wards attend their school and school function in the prescribed uniforms.
Pupils without uniform will not be allowed in the class room. They are liable to be sent home in which case the school disclaims all responsibility, Pupils without a calendar are liable to the same penalty.
Parental Co-Operation:-
Parent's will readily understand that a good amount of study and serious home study is required for success. They will see that enough time is spent by the student under that enough time is spent by the students under their super vision for home work. It is advisable that the students spends a minimum of 3 hours each day for home work study.
Private functions are discouraged and should be resorted to only afterconsulting the Manager/Principal. No teacher will be allowed to tutor his or her won student or students of std. or classes where he/she teachers.
Report of students conduct and progress will be given from time to time in their school calendar. Parents are expected to take note of these report as also of the Manager/Principal occasionally. The staff should be seen only on the parents teacher meeting day. Under no circumstances parents will be allowed to contact the staff except of the meeting day.
A parent/teacher meeting is held on every second Saturday of th month from April onwards. Parents are requested to attend it regularly in the best interest of their words. The school reserves the right to dismiss those students whose parents fail to attend the meeting regularly.
When parents write to enquire concerning their wards they should mention the standard and the particular section in which their words are presently studying.
A parent/teacher meeting is held on every second Saturday of th month from April onwards. Parents are requested to attend it regularly in the best interest of their words. The school reserves the right to dismiss those students whose parents fail to attend the meeting regularly.
In case of unscheduled closure of the school due to unforeseen circumstances please note that the school office and fee counters will remain open to collect school dues etc. Closure of the school not be given as an excuse for late deposit or not depositing the fees, Usual fine structure will apply for defaulters.