Application for t.c has to be given in writing to the principal by the Parent/Guardian at a week in advance. No T.C. or any certificate will be issued till all the school dues are paid in full.
Application for leave of absence should be made to the principal,well in advance stating the reson, number of days and signature in the ABSENCE AND LEAVE RECORD column of the Diary.
A student returning to school after an infectious disease should produce a doctor's certificate permitting her/ him to join the school.
If a student is absent without leave sanctioned for more than 15 days her/ his name will be struck off from the rolls and re-admission, if granted, will be done as per rules of admission.
Withdrawal of children for mere social functions is not recommended since it retards the chold's progress in school and minimises their respect for regular hard work.
No pupil will be send home during the class hours, on grave reasons at the request of parent / guardian.